By providing a comfortable and almost undetectable method of tooth straightening, Invisalign has completely transformed orthodontic treatment. Can it, however, resolve every kind of orthodontic problem? Let's examine the ailments that Invisalign can treat and the circumstances in which conventional braces may still be necessary.
1. Mild to moderate misalignment of the teeth
For mild to moderate cases of crowded or crooked teeth, Invisalign works incredibly well to straighten your smile.
2. Teeth Spaces Between
Invisalign aligners can help you achieve a more uniform appearance by gently closing any gaps between your teeth.
3. Bite Problems: Crossbite, Overbite, and Underbite
Some biting issues, including moderate underbites, overbites, and crossbites, can be resolved with Invisalign. However, conventional braces or other orthodontic procedures can be necessary for severe bite problems.
4. Overlapping and Rotation of Teeth
Minor cases of tooth rotation and overlap can be resolved with Invisalign. Different approaches may be needed for complex scenarios.
When It Could Be Better to Get Braces
Traditional braces might work better for complex orthodontic diseases, severe misalignments, or serious jaw problems.
If you want to learn more about "Invisalign Treatment in Mumbai," Smile Again Dental Clinic provides modern, specially designed solutions. To help you get the smile of your dreams, we are also experts in "Invisalign Treatment in Dadar". For professional guidance and individualized treatment choices, schedule a consultation right now.
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